Our upcoming Share Love That's All Field Day, originally scheduled for September 14, 2024, has been postponed due to the bad weather forecast. We are sad about the weather and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We appreciate your understanding as we work to reschedule the event.
Thank you so much for your continued love and contributions to Share Love and our Field Day! You all have continued to support the organization and our family in so many ways over the years and I am humbled by you every day. It truly keeps me swimming.
Thank you for helping us honor Mike and keep his spirit alive.
With gratitude,
The "Cancer Club" connected me to my inspiration , Penny Hill. Penny was a courageous friend, mother, preacher, wife, and daughter who accomplished so much in her life and inspired many. She unfortunately was diagnosed with stage 4 Lung cancer before she turned 60. She taught me that HOPE is our four letter word. But she also taught me this lesson on Sharing Love. As cancer stripped and crippled her from doing the things she loved most, it became very clear to her that there was one thing she could continue to do from her hospital bed throughout her final days.
She could SHARE LOVE.
It became clear to me through her realization , that love is all we need. That when stripped of all we have to our most vulnerable state, love still exist. Through her vision and Mike's fight, I know that all that matters in this life is how well we loved.
Mike and I were grateful for the unbelievable support we received throughout his battle with Leukemia. Our family is still standing because of the love shared with us by our family, friends, and army that stands behind us.
We are grateful for our family. They have given us deep roots of faith and love that have given us the strength to keep standing each day.
You can follow Mike's battle with Leukemia and Graft Verse Host Disease here. Along with our journey to find hope, love, and faith amongst the darkness. You can help us by FIGHTING LIKE MIKE and Trusting God will do the rest.
Where does your money go?
Mike's doctor, Dr. Vamsi Kota, is the Director of the Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation Program. Your donations will go directly to their research and patients directly. Mike has said, "I would go through this fight again, if I knew it was my only way to meet my main man".
2. The FLM Apartment in Augusta.
Donations go to provide patients at the Georgia Cancer Center with a place to stay near the hospital free of charge. The apartment is filled with message of love and community. "It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up." - Vince Lombardi
3. Emory Winship Cancer Institute.
Donations also fund the research and care provided by Dr. Martha Arellano and the Winship Cancer Institute team. Dr. Arellano and the Winship patient care team specialize in the treatment of leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes.
4. The Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplant Center.
Mike's journey took him through the BMT Floor of Emory Winship where then needs that Share Love, That's all were recognized. So, your donations will continue to support the hand delivery of t-shirts and care packages to current patients and caregivers on the floor, as well as, providing meals to the nurses and doctors.
"If we allow grief to do its work, the love that lives within becomes ever more clear and present to us. In time, the love has a way of overtaking the grief, so that our loving, rather than the grieving, becomes our primary bond to what we have lost. It is the love that holds our cure. It is this love that is OUR CURE."
Jan Richarson
Raise funds to provide a network of support for blood cancer patients, their families and caregivers. As well as the nurses, doctors and staff taking care of the patient.
Provide funding to doctors and researchers to support their efforts to find new treatments and research for blood cancers
Share Love , That's all! is 501(c)(3) non- profit organization. Our goal is to simply share love with as many people as possible. Mike and I were motivated by the love shared with us through out his battle with Leukemia. Although medicine was not able to cure him physically and he lost his courageous battle in March of 2020. He was cured... Cured by love. Love from family, friends, neighbors, other fighters, and strangers. Love from an incredible medical community of doctors and nurses. We wanted to pay that love forward .
Our mission is to share love with anyone who is battling cancer or caring for someone battling cancer. We want to help fill your journey with hope and love. We want to make your life easier because the road is painful and heartbreaking. We also want to support the doctors and nurses caring for these brave individuals and families.
In the year 2020 we all have felt the weight of the world on our shoulders. And we could use love more now than ever.
We are making it our life's mission to share Mike's love each and every day forward. To continue sharing his Fight Like Mike spirit.
We need your help.
Your donations may be tax-deductible.
These are patients and families in Augusta Georgia receiving Share Love t-shirts thanks to your generosity.
Share Love, That's All is a non-profit organization intended to pay Love forward to those who need it the most...